Monday, June 20, 2011

The Boys Club.

We are magnets to each other, we can spot each other from a mile away, the dark circles under the eyes, the ears that hear the sounds but don't respond. The strong will that drives us on to be tougher than nails and yet softer than a well broken-in blanket, these are the MOB women otherwise known as Moms of Boys.
I was at the gym today, dropping my boys off so I could work out. As I am waiting in line, watching all the chaos that surrounded me, my boys are trying to open the automatic doors that had caution signs strung across them. I was observing the different mom's, some were obvious new timers with the baby that is happy as they pass them off, but the mom looks jaded with worry and guilt as she lets her kid go to a stranger (I never seem to have this problem anymore, I would happily hand my kid to a bum on the street if it meant I could have an hour of alone time). I hear behind me the same type of ruckus I am well accustomed to, so I turned my head to see a sight my eyes long to see. A mom of three boys is standing right behind me. I look her up and down a few times, to see if she is the kind of woman that would talk openly to a perfect stranger. Judging from her warm look and smile; a stark contrast to her 1 yr old screaming in her ear drums, I thought..."yes". I caught her eye and asked "3 boys too?" (trust me when you have 3 boys that's all you ever have to say), to which she responds "OH...yes." Looking at my brood and the fact I am still alive and speaking she asked me a few questions and we went our separate workout ways.
I always have an odd sense of satisfaction when I am able to talk to Mom's that have 2 or more boys. Mothers that have more than three, basically have a rock star status in my eyes. I have a special place in my heart for a woman I met about 5 yrs ago that had 6 boys and on her 7th child finally had a girl. Not to mention two of those boys were twins! She is one of the coolest chilled out ladies I have ever met, all her kids are grown now, but she could probably ride the Mom of the year award for a long time after her kids have their own children. Anyways there is a special connection that women have when we realize we aren't alone in this thing called parenthood. For me I love to see other moms that have boys and still survive to keep breathing and loving.
Most moms of boys are not skittish about their kids obsession with their genitalia, poop and anything else that can sound gross. Any mom of boys can tell you the kids love to live in their underwear!!! Little boys inherently love to have little to no clothing on as often as possible. Last but not least is the constant need to hurt each other or themselves for stupid ass reasons. Just use your imagination. If you can get past the gross parts of raising boys and continue to find time to still feel like a woman then you should be just fine.

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